May 2024 - EC Passes Trip

Day A - 1 May - Wednesday - The pilgrimage - Day -2
Day B - 2 May - Thursday - The pilgrimage - Day -1
Day C - 3 May - Friday - The Gathering
Day 1 - 4 May - Saturday - Joubert's Pass loop
Day 2 - 5 May - Sunday - Naude's nek loop
Day 3 - 6 May - Monday - Barkers Neck loop
Day 4 - 7 May - Tuesday - Wintersnek Loop
Day 5 - 8 May - Wednesday - Cala Outing
Day 6 - 9 May - Thursday - Otto du Plessis Loop
Day 7 Option 1 - 10 May - Friday - TTT Loop
Day 7 Option 2 - 10 May - Friday - Bastervoetpad pass
Day 8 - 11 May - Saturday - Travel Home
Day 9 - 12 May - Sunday - Travel Home

External Links
Barkly East

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The Ben 10 Passes

01. Ben MacDhui Pass (3001m) [Day 7 - Option 1]
02. Carlisleshoekspruit Pass (2563m) [Day 7 - Option 1]
03. Volunteershoek Pass (2581m] [Orange/Red SKIP]
04. Naudes Nek Pass (2590m) [Day 2]
05. Lundin’s Nek Pass (2170m) [Day 4?]
06. Joubert’s Pass (2234m) [Day 1]
07. Bastervoetpad Pass (2240m) [Day 7 - Option 2]
08. TTT [Tiffindell-Tenahead Traverse) (2720m) [Day 7 - Option 1]
09. Otto du Plessis Pass (2115m) [Day 6]
10. Barkly Pass (2018m) [Day 2]

Youtube vidios

Ben10 passes by Martin Media - 2021

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Barkly East

Lalani Nathi Guesthouse (Main)

Info on Safarinow
Info on Lekkerslaap
Info on FaceBook

Costs: R200 pppn if we are 8 or more.
Mobile: 076 722 4388
Contact: Johann de Bruin
Address: 25 Cole Street

1. Most rooms have single beds.
2. Can camp on site as well.

Charlies place (Overflow)

Charlies place

Cost: Single R550, Sharing R900 for room
Mobile: 082 922 7544
Mobile: 079 318 8573
Contact: Irmgard Tauber
Address: 7 Copeland Street

1. Will add extra single bed into room if people want to share.
2. Can have access to citchen in main house if needed.
3. Can camp on site as well.


Barkly East - Cloete Joubert Hospital: 045 971 0091
Maclear Hospital: 045 932 1208


Number: +27 45 971 0285
Address: 5 De Smidt Street


N6 Panelbeating & Towing, 4 Olivier Street, 051 634 2275 (Aliwal North)


SAPS – Barkly East – Address: 29 Cole Street, Barkly East; Phone: 045-971 0009
SAPS – Elliot – Address: 17 Barry Road, Elliot; Phone: 045 931 6006
SAPS – Lady Grey – Address: 11 Dwars Street, Lady Grey; Phone: 051-603 0229
SAPS – Maclear – Address: 6 Pote Street, Maclear; Phone: 045-932 1010
SAPS – Rhodes – Address: 1 Naudes Neck Road, Rhodes; Phone: 045-974 9001
SAPS – Rossouw – Address 478 Nepgen Street, Rossouw; Phone 045-944 1032
SAPS – Ugie – Address: 224 Riebeeck Street, Ugie; Phone: 045-933 1148

Area emergency services

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Day 1 - Joubert's Pass loop - Saturday [Mostly Green & Orange]

1. Kraai River Pass (Pass 1) - Tar
2. Joubert's Pass (Pass 2) - Dirt/Green&Orange (some steep sections)
3. Lady Grey (Town) - Lunch
4. Benjaminshoogte Pass (Pass 3) - Tar
5. Grondnek Pass (Pass 4) - Tar

Distance for the day: Total : 150 km
Tar : 100 km
Dirt : 50 km

90+% green, 5% Orange. 2% Red.

Youtube videos

  1. Kraai River Pass (Pass 6)
  2. Joubert's Pass (Pass 7)
  3. Benjaminshoogte Pass (Pass 8)
  4. Grondnek Pass (Pass 9)


I rode half of Joubert's Pass in 2022. Some steep sections, and some loose gravel at the times.
We will approach this one from the back like FTLOW (for the Love of Wheels).

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Day 2 - Naude's nek Loop - Sunday [Mostly Green & Orange]

1. Barkly Pass (Pass 5) - Tar
2. Eliot (Town)
3. Ugie (Town)
4. Nqanqarhu / Maclear (Town)
5. Pot River Pass (Pass 6) - Dirt/Green&Orange
4. Elandshoogte Pass (Pass 7) - Dirt/Green&Orange
5. Naudes Nek Pass (Pass 8)- Dirt/Green&Orange
6. Rhodes (Town) - Stop for a drink
7. Bokspruit Pass (Pass 9) - Dirt/Unknown

Distance for the day:
Total : 320 km
Tar : 140 km
Dirt : 180 km

80+% green, 10% Orange, 5% Red.

Youtube videos

  1. Barkly Pass (Pass 1)
  2. Pot River Pass (Pass 2)
  3. Elandshoogte Pass (Pass 3)
  4. Naudes Nek Pass (Pass 4)
  5. Bokspruit Pass (Pass 5)


I did this loop in Jan 2022.
I left at 7H30 and got back home at 14H30.
It was the 1st time ever I did 200 km of dirt road in 1 day.
When I did it I skipped Bokspruit Pass.
If we leave early enough and the conditions are more or less the same as when I did it in 2022 it will be doable.
Fill up with petrol in Mclear.

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Day 3 - Barkers Neck Loop - Monday [Mostly Green & Orange]

1. Perdenek Pass (Pass 10) - Dirt/Green?
2. Greylings Pass (Pass 11) - Dirt/Green?
3. Rossouw (Town)
4. Killian's Pass (Pass 12) - Dirt/Green?+Orange?
5. Barkers Neck Pass (Pass 13) - Dirt/Green?+Orange?
6. Indwe (Small town)
7. Elliot (Town)
8. Fetcani Pass (Pass 14) - Dirt/Green
9. Bottelnek Pass (pass 15) - Dirt/Orange+Green

Distance for the day:
Total : 270 km
Tar : 130 km
Dirt : 140 km

80+% green, 10% Orange. 5% Red.


  1. Fetcani Pass

Youtube videos

  1. Perdenek Pass (Pass 10)
  2. Greylings Pass (Pass 11)
  3. Killian's Pass (Pass 12)
  4. Barkers Neck Pass
  5. Fetcani Pass (Pass 14)
  6. Bottelnek Pass (pass 15)


There is a small abandoned church just off Fetcani pass. We can visit and take some photos.

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Day 4 - Wintersnek Loop - (Tuesday) [Mostly Green]

0. Lundin's Nek Pass (Pass ??) - Orange / Red [45 km]
1. Ballochs Pass (Pass 16) - Dirt/Green with some Organge
2. Wintersnek Pass (Pass 17) - Dirt/Green
3. Tierkrans Pass (Pass 18) - Dirt/ Green

Distance for the day:
Total : 100 km + 45
Tar : 0 km
Dirt : 100 km + 45

90+% green, 10% Orange

Youtube videos

  1. Lundin's Nek Pass (Pass ??)
  2. Ballochs Pass (Pass 16)
  3. Wintersnek Pass (Pass 17)
  4. Tierkrans Pass (Pass 18)


This looks like a lekka outing. Back before lunch! (Famous last words)

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Day 5 - Cala Outing - (Wednesday) [Mostly Green]

1. Eliot (Town)
2. Mgwalana Pass (Pass 19) - Dirt/Green+Orange [16 km]
3. Kumanzimahle Pass (Pass 20) - Dirt/Green+Orange [15 km]
4. Indwe Poort (Pass 21) - Dirt/Green [27 km]
5. KwaGoniwe Tyaliti Pass (Pass 22) - Tar
6. e-Roma Pass (Pass 23) - Dirt/Green [26 km]
7. Stone Bridge
8. Cala (Town)
9. Cala Pass (Pass 24) - Tar
10. Eliot (Town)

Distance for the day:
Total : 350 km
Tar : 290 km
Dirt : 60 km

95+% green, 5% Orange

Youtube videos

  1. Mgwalana Pass (Pass 19)
  2. Kumanzimahle Pass (Pass 20)
  3. Indwe Poort (Pass 21)
  4. KwaGoniwe Tyaliti Pass (Pass 22)
  5. e-Roma Pass (Pass 23)
  6. Cala Pass (Pass 24)


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Day 6 - Otto du Plessis Loop - (Thursday) [Mostly Orange]

1. Eliot (Town)
2. Otto du Plessis Pass (Pass 25)
3. Barkly East (Town)

Distance for the day:
Total : 190 km
Tar : 120 km
Dirt : 70 km

60+% green, 30% Orange

Youtube videos

  1. Otto du Plessis Pass (Pass 25)


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Day 7 - TTT Loop - (Friday) [Mostly Orange/Red]

1. Rhodes (Town) 2. Carlisles Hoek Pass (Pass 26) 3. Ben MacDhui Pass (Pass 27) 4. Tiffindell Tenahead Traverse (pass 28) 5. Rhodes (Town) 6. Barkly East (Town)

Distance for the day:
Total : 220 km
Tar : 0 km
Dirt : 220 km

40% green, 40% Orange, 20% Red

Youtube videos

  1. Otto du Plessis Pass (Pass 25)


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Day 7 - Bastervoetpad pass - (Friday) [Mostly Orange/Red]

1. Rhodes (Town) 2. Bastervoetpad (Pass 26) 3. Rhodes (Town)

Distance for the day:
Total : 150 km
Tar : 110 km
Dirt : 40 km

20% green, 40% Orange, 40% Red

Youtube videos

  1. Otto du Plessis Pass (Pass 25)


We could maybe try and complete the loop (thin red line)

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